Batam Social Golf Society – BSGS is a group of people who love the game of golf. Based in Batam, Indonesia the group hosts golf tournaments on the last Sunday of each month at one of the 7 beautiful golf courses on Batam Island. Players of all abilities are encouraged to join.

Batam Social Golf Society – BSGS adalah sekelompok orang yang menyukai permainan golf. Berbasis di Batam, Indonesia grup ini menyelenggarakan turnamen golf pada hari Minggu terakhir setiap bulannya di salah satu dari 7 lapangan golf cantik di Pulau Batam. Pemain dari semua kemampuan didorong untuk bergabung.

The Next Event

Grateful appreciation to our Sponsors for this event FEEN MARINE!

Sunday February 26th at Palm Springs 12:30PM Shotgun Start

BSGS Order of Merit – This annual award will be awarded after the January 2026 Event. All BSGS players are automatically entered. (Please note half points when it’s a Texas Scramble). Please click on the below to see the overall score. Still showing 2024 results, will update ASAP.

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